Centrul de Excelenţă Academică invită membrii comunităţii academice din România la deschiderea drumului cunoaşterii, alături de colegii din comunităţile educaţionale europene. Un prim pas pe acest drum am dori să-l facem, alături de dumneavoastră, parcurgând paginile Revistei Reflecţii Academice. În cuprinsul revistei, veţi regăsi intervenţiile de la conferinţele organizate de Centru, precum şi articolele trimise pe adresa noastră. Fiecare număr va fi dedicat unei teme de interes major pentru societatea românească sau europeană.

ISSN 2284 – 9610

ISSN–L = 2284 – 9610


[one_third][button link=””]Pentru consultare[/button]
[button link=””]Volumul III, 2014[/button]

[button link=””]Volumul II, 2013[/button]

[button link=””]Volumul I, 2012[/button]



[one_third_last][button link=””]Pentru autori[/button]
[fancy_box]Instrucţiuni de redactare articole
Instrucţiuni de redactare recenzii[/fancy_box]

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[fancy_box]Volume 2, no. 2, December 2013
Coordinator: Assoc.prof. Mihaela V. Cărăuşan[/fancy_box]

[fancy_box][toggle title=”The Assessment of the Organizational Culture – Comparative Study Public Organizations vs. Companies”]

In this article we intend to present the theoretical framework of a new tool for assessing the organizational culture of a company, an instrument better adapted to the Romanian business and social environment, by measuring simultaneously the individual cultural values modeled by the society that he belongs to and the cultural values modeled by the company where he is working. Such a model will provide an easy understanding of societal values’ influence on organizational culture, and of the discreet way in which organizational culture positively or negatively affects employee performance and, ultimately, the company itself.

Lecturer Mihai Ovidiu Cercel, PhD

[toggle title=”Organizational Culture – a Key-factor for Romanian Local Councils Competitiveness and Performance”]

In a modern Europe, it is imperative to have a traditional administration of the interests and problems concerning local groups, based on an organizational culture focused on excellence and performance but also on a correct dimensioning of institutional functions and competences.
The research aim is to identify and explain the factors which play and important part in the successful assessment and change of the organizational culture across Romanian local councils.
The current status of the organizational culture assessment across the local councils reveal a fragile balance between the representative and participative democracy, as well as rather low effort of the councils to settle the right equation.

Lecturer Cristina Elena Nicolescu, PhD [/toggle]

[toggle title=”Bureaucracy and conformist culture. Case Study: Quality Assurance in Higher Education”]

Universities can be easily seen as professional bureaucracies. Quality assurance in education relates to enhancement of internal organizational process in order to improve the quality of programs provided by universities. The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) has powers in the field of quality assurance, including quality external evaluation of programs provided by higher education institutions, as well as drawing up standards and performance indicators. Quality assurance is rather a ceremony, a ritual involving the same practices, legally abided, within every organisation providing higher education programs. Solutions to such problem might be reducing bureaucracy, relativisation of the standards in order to claim and internalise some general principles and values. Hereby, the principles and objectives of education and research turn into standards, avoiding at the same time the reification of procedures and rules.

Assoc.prof. Mihai Păunescu, PhD[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Organizational culture: evaluation instruments”]


Assoc.prof. Mihaela V. Cărăuşan, PhD[/toggle][/fancy_box]

[fancy_box]Volume 2, no. 1, June 2013
Coordinator: Lecturer Crina R. Rădulescu, PhD[/fancy_box] [fancy_box][toggle title=”The Purpose of the Romanian Constitutional Revision should be to Strengthen the Democracy”]

The Consolidation of democracy, a purpose which can be reached by reviewing the Constitution, is the means by which we can build a welfare society, a non-aggressive society. The rights protection is the essential element of American democracy – it is very important in the United States, unlike Europe where the dominant element is liberal economics. The absence of a legal tradition causes the vision on economical and political liberalism, justifying state intervention. A considerable increase of the judicial powers would determine a consolidation of democracy and extending the competence for settling the exception of non-constitutionality would bring back the inter-war tradition. Romania is still governed by an obsolete system – an idea which leads to a new perception on the fight for your right.

Professor Ioan Alexandru, PhD[/toggle]

[toggle title=”The Romanian Society Faces a New Challenge – Revision of the Constitution”]

Through this study we will try to provide answers to questions that have arisen along with the Constitution revision process in 2013. The Romanian society is once again facing a political undertaking of constitutional framework revision through which the constitutional dysfunctions are to be diminished or eliminated. The Constitution revision process is complex and has serious implications for the whole society. During public debates, interrogations regarding the moment chosen for the revision, the content of the amendments, their effects have received different answers depending on the respondents. Answers given by specialists, politicians, representatives of society were enlisted in the current study and we as well answer to them.

Assoc.prof. Claudia Gilia, PhD

Assoc.prof. Adrian Ţuţuianu, PhD[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Romania’s Constitutional Revision Dilemmas”]

The revision of any constitution at a given time responds to the needs of development of the society itself.
The revision of the Constitution is a function which is “negatively” delineated through substantial and procedural guarantees that restrict the revisionary legislator(Contiades, 2007). The strict Constitutions, among which lies the Romanian Constitution of 1991, explicitly provide for the special procedure for their revision and determine also a cluster of provisions that cannot be revised.

Lecturer Crina Ramona Rădulescu, PhD[/toggle][/fancy_box]

[fancy_box]Volume 1, no. 4, December 2012
Coordinator: Lecturer Mădălina Cocoşatu, PhD[/fancy_box]

[fancy_box][toggle title=”The Judge – God of justice on earth?”]

It is well known that since his beginnings on Earth, the human being, somehow aware of his rights and obligations within a tribe or a group, has been always the centre of different conflicts with individuals or other groups. However along with the development of the human society, the existence of “divine” figure, the leader of the group, was need in order to solve these conflicts.
The Justice is quite distinctive from one society to another, from one country to another, as well when it comes to people. The judge’s assessment should meet the expected requirements in order to express an accurate and honest solution. Somehow, partialism (which defines every human being) interferes and darkens our judgment. Even the judge can easily make such mistakes. Lately, the judges and their assessments are rather allured by evil forces than by some divine figures, such as God. May we consider the Judge a God of Justice on Earth? Some polls are stating the Romanian’s opinion on this matter, which unfortunately does not flatter the judges.

Judge Ion Popa, PhD[/toggle]

[toggle title=”The spirit of justice between sacred and profane”]

The Justice, its Spirit and Sacredness can be defined as being somewhere between holy and profanity. Although justice is inviolable, its spirit can be easily altered by politics at a certain moment in time, by the society and its leaders, by the rule of law and also by the judicial independence itself. The sacredness of justice leads to some utopian bonds, which are met in a world of values, but the current judicial system piece this picture.

Professor Ion Craiovan, PhD[/toggle]

[toggle title=”The Treaty of Lisbon – A new European Constitution?”]

Nowadays, The European Union is ruled by the Treaty of Lisbon, of which some say it represents a step ahead to European integration, both at institutional and human level, despite its difficulties on moving forward with the European project, with a history of half a century.
The amendments brought by the Treaty of Lisbon had a significant impact on the EU Governance; by its means the decision-making process was richly modified. The decisions within the Council of the European Union are taken by qualified majority as general rule. From now on, the decisions taken within (the post-Lisbon) European Union will be based on the 55% of the EU Member States’ choice, inside which live at least 65% of the European population. This would rather tip the balance towards the “Old Europe” (especially the France-Germany-Italy axis) than the “New Europe” (the East-European countries). For instance, Germany’s influence will increase: with its 82 million inhabitants, Germany’s percentage of choice will raise from 8.2% to 17.2%.

Lecturer Maria Popescu[/toggle][/fancy_box]
